His career began when industry professionals discovered him through his Instagram account. In 2013 he attended the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, California.
Victoria Loren "Tori" Kelly (born: December 14, 1992 [age 26]) is an American singer and songwriter who slowly gained recognition after starting to post videos on YouTube at the age of 14. Poco después de su lanzamiento, el EP llegó a la lista de los 10 álbumes Pop más populares en iTunes. In 2019 Guitar Magazine named him one of the 50 most exciting young guitarists in the world. The album received generally positive reviews from critics. The album was executively produced by Max Martin. When she was 16, Kelly auditioned for the singing competition television series American Idol.After being eliminated from the show, Kelly began to work on her own music. She made her first attempt at breaking into show-business in 2010 in an audition for American Idol, and has since gone on to work with India.Arie, Ed Sheeran, Pentatonix, James Corden, and Justin Timberlake. Her father is of Irish, Puerto Rican and Jamaican descent, and her mother has Irish, English and German ancestry. Unbreakable Smile is the debut studio album by American singer Tori Kelly. 1992) is a Grammy-nominated recording artist who released her first album, Unbreakable Smile, in 2015. Tori Kelly (b. Kelly escribió, produjo, diseñó y grabó el EP sola en su dormitorio. Kelly was born in Wildomar, California. He then toured with Tori Kelly and Jessie J.Asato also began to do guitar clinics in South Korea and in Singapore. Career. El 1 de mayo de 2012, lanzó su primer EP, titulado Handmade Songs de Tori Kelly, que fue lanzado en su propio sello, Toraay Records. American singer and songwriter Tori Kelly has released three studio albums, two extended plays, nineteen singles (including six as a featured artist), and two promotional singles. ヴィクトリア・ローレン・ケリー(Victoria Loren "Tori" Kelly、1992年 12月14日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国 カリフォルニア州 リバーサイド郡 ワイルドマー出身のシンガーソングライター It was released on June 23, 2015, through Capitol Records and Schoolboy Records.
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