This guide will walk you through installing the Sony Music Center app on your smartphone or tablet to control your Sony STR-DH770 home theater system. SongPal has been updated and released as Sony | Music Center. Sony | Music Center App One for the music lovers. Tap in the search box at the top of the screen.
Importing content (such as music) from CDs to a computer. Two Music Center / SongPal icons are displayed in the status bar (for Android devices). Organizing and managing the content.
For … Android OS 5.0 or later; iOS 11.0 or later; Note. You can use Music Center for PC to perform the following operations. You can use Music Center for PC to perform the following operations. Importing content (such as music) from CDs to a computer. Use the latest version of Music Center for PC. Be sure to use the latest version of “Sony | Music Center.” If you cannot connect the speaker and a BLUETOOTH device via a BLUETOOTH connection, or if there is a problem such as no sound being emitted, uninstall “Sony | Music Center” and try to connect via the BLUETOOTH connection again. I cannot cast a group (Wireless Multi-room) created by Music Center / SongPal. Use the latest version of Music Center for PC. This app is for anyone with a compatible smartphone.To use the device control function, please check [the devices compatible with Music Center / SongPal](link). Enjoy High-Resolution Audio everywhere you go with the Sony | Music Center app. For details about “ Sony | Music Center,” refer to Google Play or the App Store. Download Sony Music Center - Play, manage, organize, and transfer songs to your WALKMAN devices with the help of this efficient and user-friendly piece of software ... wizard-based installer. Be sure to use the latest version of “ Sony | Music Center.”If you cannot connect the speaker and a BLUETOOTH device via BLUETOOTH, or if there is a problem such as no sound being emitted, uninstall “ Sony | Music Center ” and try to connect via BLUETOOTH again.
Windows OS is not supported. If you do not find your device in … Music Center for PC is an application for Windows computers.
Organizing and managing the … The audio device is not recognized by Music Center / SongPal, or the connection attempt fails.
Launch the Play Store on your smartphone. Note. Music Center for PC is an application for Windows computers. Music Center may not be installed on some mobile devices. Compatibility with High-Resolution sources lets you listen in superb detail and clarity, while optimized settings for Sony devices give you extra simple control and the best possible listening experience on every track. Note.
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