The iX1500 comes with software*1 licenses*2 for multiple accounts, enabling shared use of a single unit with family members and company colleagues.
This manual is available in the following languages: English.
Setting the standard in scanning. The ScanSnap line leads the way in reliability, efficiency, and ease-of-use. However, if you click ‘Generate one PDF file per X,’ the ScanSnap will create one PDF for the number you choose.
Find the scanner that fits your needs for home or work Shop Now. The iX1500 scanner is ideal for individuals or small teams wanting a simple way to improve personal productivity by quickly digitising and automatically organising their paperwork. Creating Searchable PDF Files The ScanSnap is able to perform text recognition on a scanned image automatically and create a searchable PDF file.
Its touch screen menu means a button for everyone’s favourite scan activities is close to hand. MSRP $495.00 $395.00 at Amazon View the manual for the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1500 here, for free.
*1 The ScanSnap iX1500 comes with multiple licenses: 4 for ScanSnap Home, 4 for ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap™, and 1 for Nuance (Win/Mac). LEARN MORE.
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There’s one computing device you might have missed. *2 Additional licenses may be purchased for ScanSnap Home. By default, the ScanSnap is set to create multi-page PDFs. Do you have a question about the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1500 or … In the ScanSnap setup window, select [PDF (*.pdf)] from the [File format] drop-down list in the [File option] tab. This will open a new window called, “PDF file format option”. ScanSnap iX1500 Wi-Fi Cloud-Enabled Document Scanner The ScanSnap iX1500 is equipped with a user-friendly 4.3 inch touch screen interface for enhanced usability and functionality. The Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1500 is a well-built, accurate, and easy-to-use entry-level sheet-fed document scanner for home and small-office use.
This manual comes under the category Scanners and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 6.4. ScanSnap iX1500 Quick Menu is available on ScanSnap Home software! With Access Point Connect and Direct Connect modes, users can place the new scanner anywhere that is … For example, if you put 10 pages into your ScanSnap and push scan, you will create a 10 page single PDF. My personal take: The ScanSnap iX1500 scans quickly and silently to a PDF document (by default) and pulls key information out of the document so that it can name it appropriately.Scanning is very configurable, and the scanner and software are quite intelligent. ScanSnap iX1500.
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