And in case you can't see the access code I modified it to: Dim cht As Graph.Chart Dim ser As Graph.Series Set cht = Me.Graph.Object Set ser = cht.SeriesCollection(1) Tests = ser.XValues …
Returning SeriesCollection XValues individually (VBA) Thread starter thesnowplow; Start date Feb 4, 2018; Tags chart pivotchart seriescollection vba xvalues; T. thesnowplow New Member.
According to the online help, XVALUES is a read/write variant. Currently there're 12 series to be plotted. When you select more than two columns (or rows) of data and choose a Scatter chart, Excel's standard treatment is to assume all series share the X values in the first column or row, and that each successive column or row holds the Y data for a separate series.
Points 19 Trophies 1 Posts 5. All the series have the same range for X axis but different range for Y axis.
Hi everybody, I met a problem when creating multiple series in one chart using a macro.
But I can't seem to get the XVALUES property to do anything useful. ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Activate ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = .Range("BA1:BB" & cnt) (This does not work)
Is there anyone out there who've used SeriesCollection.Values before?
c'est limité à un certain nombre de valeurs!! I need to read the XVALUES range on a pre-existing series, so I can match the correct row range for the new series' VALUES range. Notice that I have three pairs of lines defining the .Values and .XValues. I'm fairly new to VBA, and not as familiar with variants as I should be.
Is it possible to have the index part of an ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(index) as a function i.e. I've got xval = activechart.seriescollection(1).Xvalues
Using VBA in Excel 2010, I am trying to change the values in a pie chart and explode a slice of the pie.
The examples here are straightforward illustrations of easy techniques to create charts, add and remove series, and move and resize charts using VBA. What am I doing wrong?
In the second row you have XValues, and.
Est-ce que ça peut venir de ma version de Excel (2000)? !
As I know, there's no way to do double indexing for the values of the point referencing to. VBA SeriesCollection.Values Jun 22, 2006.
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection (1).XValues = PlageX L'erreur est toujours la même : Impossible de définir la propriété XValues de la classe Series.
Bonjour, pour la deuxième question : ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(iT).XValues=a si a est un vecteur VBA. The number of series is a variable, and I tried to define the X and Y axis ranges for each series respectively using a loop.
I'm writing a procedure to add an additional trend to an existing x-y plot.
"n + 1" or a integer or variable that is equal to a function.
But I can't seem to get the XVALUES property to do anything useful.
I need to read the XVALUES range on a pre-existing series, so I can match the correct row range for the new series' VALUES range.
Excel XY Scatter Chart Variations. The only pair that works is where I define the range explicitly using Range("A2:a50"), for example. I managed to solve the problem by equating the Xvalues and Values to ranges. Re: VBA - Charts() .SeriesCollection.NewSeries.
I have a VBA script that uses for loops to add series's of data to a chart through the script. XValues = ... 4種類のデータがある場合は(4)を追加してください。 橙:系列、軸. Let's say I have the following ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "B2:B20" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "D2:D20" How do I go about extracting the XValues and Values so that I can display "B2:B20" and "D2:D20" in VBA. The following code does not work. Adding a Chart Sheet Using VBA Code: 32. convert an existing chart to use arrays instead of cell references and make it independent of the original data: 33. add the data labels using the following code: 34.
Referencing Charts and Chart Objects in VBA Code: 35. Any attempt at displaying or manipulating the property fails. So something like the following would not be possible. ActiveChart.SeriesCollection (1). An XY Scatter chart with a single charted series has one set of X data and one set of Y data.
Joined May 2, 2017 Messages 13.
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