As per the permission given in above output only owner of the directory who is root can have all permission that is read, write and execute. The sudo command is a program for Unix-like operating systems like Linux distributions.It allows users to run programs as another user. Had the same problem, here is what you should do. I noticed brew doctor complaining about the ruby version installed being way newer than what homebrew supports so this will be my working theory for now. I'm assuming the installer script cannot create /dev/bpf0? The BPF devices are supposed to be created "on demand" by attempts to open them, and the script tries to create a lot of them and give them the right permissions and ownership.. What happens if you run the command sudo tcpdump -i en0?It should print. Before using sudo know why you're using it and if you expected a command to work as a regular user and it doesn't take a moment to think about why it didn't work. Once you have that command line, open it and type ssh-i [key pair path] [username]@[EC2 public IP]. WinSCP is a free SFTP, SCP, Amazon S3, WebDAV, and FTP client for Windows. So in such case you need to change the permission of the directory to read using below chmod command: The "su" portion is sometimes described as substitute user, super user, or switch user.Importance. First of all, if you have Windows, use the Babun command line, which is like the Linux one. python - mac - virtualenv errno 13 permission denied How to avoid “Permission denied” when using pip with virtualenv (4) I attempt to deploy a Python package with pip in a virtual environment on an Ubuntu machine, but encounter a permission-related issue. Homebrew is developed and tested on Ruby 2.3.7, and may not work correctly on other Rubies. Executing bash file with sudo for the second time, leads to permission denied, for some commands I have a script that checks if the script has been ran with sudo.
so any time I get "permission denied" I guess if I try command again with 'sudo' it should work.. is a bad way to think. If the script is not ran as sudo, the current script is being executed with exec sudo bash. Sort of. Warning: Ruby version 2.6.3 is unsupported on 10.15. The sudo command gives the administrator the option of allowing certain users access to otherwise disallowed commands on a granular level. We can keep this issue closed until I confirm otherwise I suppose.
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