You'll learn how to apply this term during conversations and before long, you won't hesitate to ask an English speaker "how are you" in everyday situations. How are you in Russian is usually translated as как делa (kak dyLAH). The friendliness (or lack thereof) is in the delivery. Also it is an expression of positive good will towards the person you are speaking to. Contextual translation of "how are you too" into Italian. If you know that you are one-of-a-kind, you can’t really do the same old routine. If you're an English learner, you might need help using the common English phrase "how are you" in a variety of contexts. Use this conversation guide on the verb "to be" to improve both your use and understanding of the phrase. is not usually an actual question, but more a substitute for "Hello". That is not a question, but the person asked can respond if they want. @Warlock: you're welcome to your opinion, of course. A rather flat “How are you doing?” can become outright flirtatious when spoken, “How are you doing?” (especially if you drop the “are” and affect your best Joey Tribianni accent.) – dnagirl Jan 28 '13 at 19:22 But it's very common usage. In this article, we look at the 12 most common ways to say how are you in Russian… Human translations with examples: dov'и?, 3) come, come va?, komesthai, come sta?, come stai?, commes tai. However, there are different ways to ask someone how they are in Russian, with some more informal while others suitable for any social setting. As such it doesn't require too much in the way of response. "How are you?" Instead of asking someone the trite "How are you" say "Hope you are doing well". Gabriel Clark is an English teacher with 14 years’ experience and an MA in TESOL and Applied Linguistics from Portsmouth University. He’s the “Clark” in Clark and Miller, a website that focuses on giving learners a deeper understanding of how English works through online courses and a blog that often features giraffes. It is only natural that you will want a quirky response other than the old and bold “I’m fine, thank you.” If you want to show off how unique and witty you are, these responses are good to go with. Which is more professional: “How are you?” or “How are you doing?” When you write an email or other text greetings, the stakes change a bit.
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