Do you have something to say to the Linux community? Your Password does not Satisfy the Current Policy Requirements.
ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements密码太简单了。??? 还简单? 干脆修改密码策略。 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'validate_password%' The simple method to solve this set the password policy to "LOW" and I am not recommended this method. LXer is read by around 350,000 individuals each month, and is an excellent place for you to publish your ideas, thoughts, reviews, complaints, etc. Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements.. Description of problem: mariadb complains about passwords but gives no idea about what the new "current policy" has been changed to regarding passwords. OSTechNix (Open Source, Technology, Nix*) commenced operations in 2012, to become a place where we could build on the extensive knowledge of our technical writers, to make our website the ideal place where we can publish the Latest News, How-to articles, Tutorials and Tips & Tricks about Free and Open-Source software and technology.
这个其实与validate_password_policy的值有关。 有时候,只是为了自己测试,不想密码设置得那么复杂,譬如说,我只想设置root的密码为123456。 必须修改两个全局参数: 首先,修改validate_password_policy参数的值 mysql>setglobal validate_password_policy=0; always keep the secure and complex passwords. You can check the current password policy by connecting MySQL and run the following command . 其中,validate_password_number_count指定了密码中数据的长度,validate_password_special_char_count指定了密码中特殊字符的长度,validate_password_mixed_case_count指定了密码中大小字母的长度。
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