Each sample contains targets for both Objective-C and Swift. Android. Objective C- Firebase- Database Programming- part 8 This channel is dedicated to providing high quality Education in Practical Software Development Training … The Firebase Analytics console is designed to give you a coarse overview of analytics data. Step 2: Firebase Settings File. Objective-C Apache-2.0 2 0 0 0 Updated Mar 27, 2019 google-analytics-magic-script
Helper library to easily send information to both the AppsFlyer and Google Analytics for Firebase backends. Firebase Quickstarts for iOS. For more information, see https://firebase.google.com. Download the google-services.json file and copy it to the android/app/ directory of your capacitor project. By default, Firebase does not store fine-grain analytics data - only a sample is taken and detailed event data is then discarded. Contribute to chemerisuk/cordova-plugin-firebase-analytics development by creating an account on GitHub. Cordova plugin for Firebase Analytics. In Objective-C: @import Firebase; In Swift: import Firebase. Samples. Objective C- Firebase- Database Programming- part 7 This channel is dedicated to providing high quality Education in Practical Software Development Training … Navigate to the project settings page for your application on Firebase. Firebase Analytics enables you to log events in order to track use and behaviour of your apps. To develop Firebase software in this repository, ensure that you have at least the following software: Xcode 10.1 (or later) CocoaPods 1.7.2 (or later) CocoaPods generate; For the pod that you want to develop: pod gen Firebase{name here}.podspec --local-sources=./ --auto-open --platforms=ios firebase cpp firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-auth admob firebase-database firebase-storage firebase-analytics firebase-appinvites firebase-remote-config Updated Mar 12, 2020 C++ Analytics. A collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Firebase APIs on iOS. Configure the Analytics instance. You will also need to add the Firebase SDK to your gradle files.
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