Open-source command line tools for accessing cloud storage.
It is available for CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Mint, openSUSE, and Ubuntu. Its a simple and useful application for Mega users.
Hier finden sich alle News zu dem 2013 von Kim "Dotcom" Schmitz gegründeten Filesharingdienst Mega, bei dem Nutzer 50 GByte Speicher gratis erhalten. Status: Gelöst | Ubuntu-Version: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) Antworten | atmos (Themenstarter) Anmeldungsdatum: 1. Zitieren. Now, we introduce you Desktop Client. Beiträge: 443.
MegaSync (Mega Downloader) 4.3.1 Deutsch: Die Freeware MegaSync macht den Filesharer Mega zum Dropbox-Konkurrent. Contribute to meganz/webclient development by creating an account on GitHub. November 2018.
Looks like the Yaru theme is missing some key icons Unity uses on its top panel widget (network, wifi etc) and is defaulting to the ugly defaults. Many distributions are supported.
For your information, by using Mega free account, you get 50 GB space.
By Himanshu Arora / Apr 25, 2016 / Linux. The convenience of being able to access your stuff anytime, anywhere has of late drawn a lot of computer users towards cloud storage services.
MEGA X 10.1 for Windows, macOS, and Linux is available! - megous/megatools Mega Sync Client is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. 29. MEGASync a native client for Linux. How to Access MEGA Cloud Storage Service in Ubuntu Using MEGAsync. offers 50 GB free online cloud storage, good to start using cloud storage for anyone. MEGA Software Celebrates Silver Anniversary.
The web client. MEGA X for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and newer runs natively using the Cocoa widget set. Januar 2019 19:55 Interessant! Looking excellent.
Version 10.1 adds native 64-bit support for macOS and advanced timing methods. Also wird dadurch sozusagen dem Szenario vorgebeugt, dass zwar neue Pakete installiert werden, diese jedoch wiederum von anderen (unter Umständen nicht vorhandenen) Paketen abhängig sein könnten … It is named MEGASync.
Some of the big names in this market include Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive. Mega Sync Client is a special software to sync our local computer with the our Mega account.
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