This class provides access to a shared instance for convenience, in turn this exposes a default tracker instance. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. The official Google Analytics mobile app helps you monitor your business on the go. Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications. The Best Google Analytics Apps For iOS 1 Comment / Analytics , Technology / By Daniel McClure Whilst Google does have an official Google Analytics app for iPhones, it hasn't always been the best so there are many other high quality options on the market. Analytiks, the most beautiful Google Analytics iPhone app. Stats for iOS 7 on the go. 0Auth 2.0 security. Fast analytics, multiple sites. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Share on … The Firebase SDK is designed to enable the latest generation of app reporting in Google Analytics quickly and easily. With App Analytics, you can see how many users discover your app while searching or browsing the App Store — including tapping on Search Ads for your app on iOS — to gain insight into how your marketing and metadata impact downloads.. App Referrers. Analytiks turns Google Analytics stats into infographics for iOS 7. Use the Firebase SDK for the most up-to-date mobile app reporting in Analytics.
App Analytics counts users who visit your app’s product page on iOS or tvOS from a link within another app. Follow traffic from Facebook, Twitter and search engines. Google Analytics begins breaking out iOS traffic by model (when it can) When iOS user agents include a specific device model, Google Analytics now lists them separately in the Mobile > Devices report. GAI (Google Analytics for iOS) is a top-level class that provides facilities to create trackers and set behavioural flags.
Download Google Analytics and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
With this app, you can: 1) Check key metrics in built-in reports 2) Compare date ranges and apply segments 3) Monitor real-time data 4) Explore in order to build your own reports with any combination of metrics, dim…
App Store Sources. The official Google Analytics mobile app helps you monitor your business on the go. Get the stats that matter.
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