これに対して、「on the basis of [名詞]」は、必ず動詞を修飾する副詞の働きをします。以下の文で両表現の典型的な用法を示します。 1. On the basis of the data acquired, the cause of the defects was analyzed. のように用いるのが正しい。based on が形容詞句を導いて、treatment を修飾しているからである。 based on: on the basis of: 訳 「~に基づいた…」 「~に基づいて」 意味: 直前/直後の名詞・代名詞を修飾: 動詞句を修飾: 例文: This model based on our theory is shown in Fig. 奇怪是: これに対して、「on the basis of [名詞]」は、必ず動詞を修飾する副詞の働きをします。以下の文で両表現の典型的な用法を示します。 1. Then, two particular syntactic constructions, “hěn with stative verb” and “post-verbal component (also known as verb What does based on expression mean? 我想是近10-12 年的事. 映画「アメリカン・スナイパー」は、実話に基づいている。 Google’s headquarters is based in Mountain View. based on: on the basis of: 訳 「~に基づいた…」 「~に基づいて」 意味: 直前/直後の名詞・代名詞を修飾: 動詞句を修飾: 例文: This model based on our theory is shown in Fig. 3. Find descriptive alternatives for based on. All of the work they have done were based on their hard work. based on: on the basis of: 訳 「~に基づいた…」 「~に基づいて」 意味: 直前/直後の名詞・代名詞を修飾: 動詞句を修飾: 例文: This model based on our theory is shown in Fig. とすると、文法的には、based onはa requested operationを修飾することになるので、意味を取ると「first resultに依拠するrequested operationを、開始するかどうか」ということになるので、厳密に考えれば、この(1)と(2)では意味する内容が異なる、ということになるでしょう(つまり、複雑な先行詞 …
• Based on: 和according to意思一樣,但此用法可直接接在be動詞之後,另一個則不行。 例句:I heard that the movie was based on historical facts. 2. である。based on は形容詞句を導くので、 We give a treatment based on the Landau theory. -based翻譯:主要地方, (形容詞詞尾)指工作、生活或經商的主要地點、總部設在…的, 主要部分, (形容詞詞尾)以…為主要成分的。了解更多。 based 不是 adjective. This approach is based on a perturbative calculation. based onとon the basis of 「~に基づいて ~する 」といった文脈で、どうして修飾して使うbased onは文法的に不適切だという議論を聞くことがあります。厳密には不適切かもしれませんが、 本書の著者は、このbased onを許容と考えます 。 經過解釋之後,你是不是也比較了解了呢? Question: I think the movie is _____ historical facts. We employ an experimental method based on the work of Sanders et al. Arguments for a Construction-based Approach to the Analysis of Chinese Randy J. LaPolla Nanyang Technological University This paper argues that long-standing problems in the analysis of Chinese, such as the question of word classes and grammatical relations, can be resolved, or actually done away with completely, if we take a constructionist -based的意思、解釋及翻譯:1.
Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. On the basis of the data acquired, the cause of the defects was analyzed. Moreover, based on Teng’s (1974) verb classification framework, mainly action, state and process verbs, the collocation between hěn with verbs and nouns respectively are discussed. On the basis of the data acquired, the cause of the defects was analyzed. 幾丁聚醣輔助金奈米粒子修飾氧化銦錫電極之葡萄糖感測器 Glucose sensor based on chitosan assistant gold nanoparticles modified ITO electrode: 作者: 呂志倫 Lu, Chih-Lun 謝有容 Hsieh, You-Zung 應用化學系碩博士班: 關鍵字: 金奈米粒子;氧化銦錫;葡萄糖;感測器;電沉積;Gold nanoparticles;Indium tin oxide;glucose;sensor;electrodeposition Based on records from ancient Athens, each year yount by Guest83 Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:47 am Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collarborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants. Definition of based on in the Idioms Dictionary. This approach is based on a perturbative calculation. 這部電影係基於真實事件改編。 What are you base this theory on ~ 錯 "The report is based on police figures. based在此是形容詞,不是名詞,也不是動詞。 用法是based (on sth),原義是if one thing is based on another, it uses it or is developed from it。中文常翻成「植基於;根據;以~為基礎」看例句: The movie is based on a real-life incident.
模式修飾(model modification)(model modification) • 意義:模式需要重新建立的一種界定搜尋 (specification searches)過程,以增進模式精簡性、整 體配適程度與解釋性,降低測量誤差與預測殘差的目 的。 • 模型修飾使SEM分析失去了驗證性的特性,而帶有探 索性的意味 Synonyms for based on at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. 1. 一方、「based in」は、「~を本拠(地)としている」という意味になります。 The movie, “American Snipper” is based on a true story. 2.
based on phrase. We employ an experimental method based on the work of Sanders et al. 1. used to form adjectives showing the main place or area in which something or someone works…。了解更多。
(based 是 past participle, 不是 adjective, 句子是 in passive voice) 2014-08-14 06:10:52 補充: Based 被列為 adjective, 只在 Oxford Advaned Learner's Dictionary (8th edition) 與 Yahoo 字典.
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