You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. I think it'd also be more clear that two web servers are running than if we had two apache servers. One way is to change your port 80 Virtualhost to this and restart Apache:
ServerName Alias www. Les vieux clients HTTP/1.0 n'envoient pas un tel en-tête et Apache n'a aucun indice pour connaître le serveur virtuel devant être joint (il sert la requête à partir d'un serveur virtuel primaire). Password: Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking. Notices: Welcome to, a friendly and active Linux Community. That in fact may mean I could simply switch to a single instance of nginx instead of apache. In this guide, you’ll learn how to redirect URLs with Apache. Redirect URLs with the Apache Web Server. Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Contribute on GitHub. Make sure your snakeoil.key file is readable by the same user/group as Apache, which is normally www-data. Anything is fair game. I was originally skeptical looking over the config, but looks like nginx can do a redirect of 80 to 443 across all potential hostnames. Updated Friday, June 1, 2018 by Phil Zona Written by Linode Try this guide out by signing up for a Linode account with a $20 credit. to, with Apache on Ubuntu 14.04. This tutorial will show you how to redirect a www URL to non-www, e.g. Redirect permanent / https://www. Report an Issue | View File | Edit File. Sign Up Here!
donc en gros *:443 signifie que ce virtualhost s'applique à tout requête entrante sur n'importe quelle IP du système sur le port 443. ensuite avec la directive "servername" tu filtres afin que seul soit concernées les requêtes sur ce nom de domaine. apache redirect from 80 to 443 User Name: Remember Me?
This type of redirect is called a Permanent Redirect, or “301 redirect”, and can be easily set up by properly configuring your DNS resource records and web server software. /
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