I just change the number to 90 for aiming training purpose. SmartyCam connected to AIM Solo DL for instant telemetry overlays. So I really wouldn't use Apex as a baseline for your fps sens.
So I really wouldn't use Apex as a baseline for your fps sens. Find out pros and cons brought by a wide FoV.
最強のAim練習方法とは Aimに必要な技術とは 感度(センシ)について少し 結論:全てのゲームにおいて最強のAimHero PUBGにおすすめAim練習ゲーム APEXのAim練習法 AimHeroで十分 COD・BF・OWもAimHeroで練習 音ゲー好きならOSU!が最強 バトロワゲームでの激戦区降り練習について… Apex uses the same settings of the mouse sensitivity of the CS: GO. You should be constantly looking around so the extra peripherals with higher FOV isn't really useful and the larger target helps me track/aim. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Per page: 15 30 50. 90 is the best IMO. To determine the best Field of View in Apex Legends, I have surveyed 100 players on their preference. Just input your settings for Apex Legends and convert it to Aim Hero. … I believe AL uses the same FOV as CS:GO (73.74 vertical/106.26 horizontal, which is 90 4:3). #11 < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments . Aim Hero > General Discussions > Topic Details. Posts: 5. There is no sensitivity setting of Apex Legend in this game. Aim Hero > General Discussions > Topic Details. And about the FOV, I'm too confused about it. Using the formula h=2*arctan(tan(v/2)*a), where v is vfov, h is hfov, and a is your horizontal resolution divided by your vertical resolution, we find that a vertical fov of 70.5 is pretty much the same as 103 horizontal fov. Yes, Aim Hero measures FOV in the number of degrees you see vertically, while Overwatch measures FOV in the number of degrees you see horizontally (if you play at 16:9 aspect ratio). 3D Aim Trainer Upvote this R6FIX to get the devs attention to the lack of granular scope sensitivity! Just use 73.74 in-game, and you should be good. There is no sensitivity setting of Apex Legend in this game. So in Aim hero, you may choose the CS: GO mode and the same sens as 1.3. Set your Aim Hero fov to 50.53 #1. iMachi. Yes, Aim Hero measures FOV in the number of degrees you see vertically, while Overwatch measures FOV in the number of degrees you see horizontally (if you play at 16:9 aspect ratio).
Per page: 15 30 50.
Login ... Apex legends is pretty bad sens tbh because of the bad fov to sens scaling. More discussions. Upvote this Rust feedback to get the devs attention to the need for ADS sensitivity! Date Posted: Apr 1, 2018 @ 3:07pm. #11 < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments . Comparison between Gopro Hero 3 Black and AIM SmartyCam HD 2.1 84 FOV (Field of view). There is not a best setting for the field of view, but it comes down to your personal preference, the size of your screen and how close you are to it. You should get the exact inch/360 distance needed to match it.
Aim Hero > General Discussions > Topic Details. Just beware that when you change your FOV you also need to change your sensitivity accordingly. Apr 3, 2018 @ 10:23pm Thank you #2. Login ... Apex legends is pretty bad sens tbh because of the bad fov to sens scaling.
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