THE new ARK Genesis release date has been set for this week and will be coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC Survival Evolved players on the same day. By …
Two new huge expansions: ARK: Genesis Part 1 (February 25, 2020), ARK: Genesis Part 2 (winter 2020) and one exclusive in-game robotic AI companion (available now).
Genesis: Part 1 DLC about the Genesis simulation of ARK. Ark: Genesis release date There are two parts to the Ark: Genesis expansion. DLC: Content Type: Expansion Pack: Price (USD) $34.99 PC Release Date : February 25th, 2020 Xbox Release Date : February 25th, 2020 PS4 Release Date : February 25th, 2020 Switch Release Date : Unreleased Spotlight
ARK Genesis Release time: PS4 and Xbox launch date update for ARK Survival Evolved THE ARK Genesis release time for February 25 has been confirmed for PS4, PC and Xbox One gamers.
After a few delays to make sure Genesis is up to snuff, Part One of the expansion is releasing February 25. The new release date is a month-long delay from the previous target.
Continue your quest for survival and unlock the next chapter in the saga of ARK: Survival Evolved with the ARK: Genesis Season Pass!
'ARK: Survival Evolved' Genesis will now release February 25 on all platforms.
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